ap computer science principles // 2019-20** create task that scored a 5

ap computer science principles // 2019-20** create task that scored a 5

phew that was a mouthful.... also why does freshman me sound dead... also idk if i made this video 1080p oops hello world! if you're working on your ap computer science principles create task and feel hopeless -- don't fret! i made this program in 2019-2020 for my apcsp create task, and i scored a 5. i just found this from the bottom of my laptop's files and thought i'd share this to those who might benefit from an example :)). gentle reminder... don't plagiarize.... use this as an example! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- note************ that i use voiceover in my 1-min video for part 2a of the 2019-20 rubric. this was acceptable per 2020 rules, but is no longer allowed. see the following rubrics for clarification. link to the 2020 rubric - https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/me.... link to current rubric - https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/me... (page 189, 196 of the pdf file). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i used carnegie mellon university's cs academy to code my program. they've completely redesigned their ui, but the functionality is still the same - https://academy.cs.cmu.edu/ide. wordies for algorithm computer science, create task, college board, ap computer science principles, python, example, coding, project, school, IDE, performance task, physics, hc verma, concepts of physics, projectile motion, two-dimensional motion, ap physics, calculus, slope, position, velocity, acceleration, jerk, snap, speed, angle, game, cs, basketball, target, launch