l4 l5, l5 s1 disc bulging में foot drop से कैसे बचें ? || foot drop treatment exercises

l4 l5, l5 s1 disc bulging में foot drop से कैसे बचें ? || foot drop treatment exercises

In this video @ physio Dr.Sandeep Bhardwaj channel covered following topics like 1.Effective Physio Treatment for lower back pain on the basis of correct clinical diagnosis of herniated disc symptoms. 2.You can diagnose your own symptoms at home by this video and then do these 7 best exercises shown in same manner to get best results. 3. Exercises for l2-l3, l4-l5, l5-s1 bulging disc in chronological order and with proper demonstration over patient. 4. Special thanks to Senior Govt Official G D Sharma Principal Secretary to dr Karan Singh Former Cabinet Minister of Indian govt. WhatsApp no for an appointment 8078603229 & 9782573803 visit our website for more details. www.ambephysio.com In this video i try my best to solve your queries like #l4l5 #discbulging #l5s1 #backpainyoga