2024 12 24 Christmas Eve

2024 12 24 Christmas Eve

Lutheran Parish of Northern Dutchess worship service. Sermon “This Will Be a Sign for You” Rev. James Miller of the Lutheran Parish of Northern Dutchess. Readings for Christmas Eve are: Isaiah 9: 2-7; Psalm 96; Titus 2: 11-14; Luke 2: 1-20 The Lutheran Parish of Northern Dutchess (LPND) is comprised of three ELCA congregations: Memorial Lutheran Church (Rock City), Rhinebeck, NY; St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Red Hook, NY; and Third Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rhinebeck, NY. Pastor Jim is the pastor of all three congregations in the LPND. Visit www.LutheranParishNorthernDutchess.org and like us on Facebook