St Andrew Lutheran Church Parsippany NJ 12/24/22 - Christmas Eve
Join St Andrew Lutheran Church in Parsippany NJ for Christmas Eve 2022. It's a bit raw but then so was an infant birth in a barn/cave amongst the barn animals. God's heartbeat in the manger beats today in each of us; it speeds up with our own heart and slows down in time with us. God is never absent from us, Jesus is living actively within us. He is Immanuel, God with Us. When the angels got the message they were to share, they couldn't help but proclaim the Good News... Glory to God in the Highest.... and the shepherds once they saw that what the angels had said was true, they also glorified God and told everyone what they had seen and heard. Be like the angels and the shepherds... be so overjoyed with the birth of the Savior that you too much proclaim the Good News that Jesus' heart beats within you too. St Andrew is a welcoming and joyful congregation of the ELCA (www.elca.org) We invite you to worship with us and learn how the all-encompassing love of God calls us out into our communities as beacons of hope in the world. Learn more about St. Andrew at https://www.elcaAndy.org and our facebook page: / st.andrew.lutheran.church.nj Come join us on the journey. Streaming copyrights: “Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license A-700392. All rights reserved.” “Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from CCLI with license 20642906. All rights reserved.”