30 August 2023 - Only By Grace Reflections
NOTE: Please click the Subscribe key on YouTube and press the black notification bell to receive the daily reflections. Or, open in YouTube for easy access. View and Like. Thank you. TOPIC: ARE YOU A POSER WHO LIVES A DOUBLE LIFE? First Reading: First Thessalonians 2: 9-13 Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 139: 7-8, 9-10, 11-12ab Alleluia: First John 2: 5 Gospel: Matthew 23: 27-32 In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus compares the Pharisees to whitewashed tombs; beautiful externally through appearances of piety and respectability, but full of uncleanliness within. Jesus did not mince His words in renouncing the hypocrisy of the religious authorities of that time, referring to their practices of plunder and self-indulgence, because He emphasized the importance of humility as a pre-requisite to holiness. In a world where there is an emergence of various ideologies that challenge even the most basic tenets of our faith, Jesus is challenging us to stand up against this kind of "whitewashing." The influence of media and peer pressure are formidable forces we have to deal with. The prospect of our children and grandchildren losing sight of heaven as their ultimate goal, waylaid by demonic strategies that appeal to their lower senses, should motivate us to instill in them these genuine spiritual values. This is the 1223rd installment of our CFC contemplation series focusing on the daily liturgical readings. [NOTE: As we continue to pray for Bro Bong Arjonillo’s healing and recovery, let us listen to our brother Raymond Bucu, CFC Gateway Evangelization Head, as he brings us today's reflection. All the regular reflections are between 3-7 minutes long, enough time for us to ponder what God's message is for us individually and to pray that we may live them out in our lives. This video is also available on Couples for Christ’s Facebook page. In You Tube, just type ONLY BY GRACE REFLECTIONS] #OnlyByGraceReflections #CFC #CouplesforChrist