Why Do Jews Reject Jesus? Dr. Rodrigo Silva Explains!
#thechosen #sermon #rodrigosilva #rodrigosilva #theology #jesus #thechosen #rodrigosilva #church #bible #biblicalarqueology #sermon Why do Jews reject Jesus as the Messiah? In this video, Dr. Rodrigo Silva explains the historical, cultural and theological reasons behind this question that intrigues so many people. With a clear and well-founded approach, he reveals the main arguments of Judaism and how they differ from the Christian view. Don't miss this in-depth and enlightening analysis! FULL EP: • A HISTÓRIA DE JESUS CRISTO, O MESSIAS... Why Do Jews Reject Jesus? Dr. Rodrigo Silva Explains! Why Do Jews Reject Jesus? Dr. Rodrigo Silva Explains! Why Do Jews Reject Jesus? Dr. Rodrigo Silva Explains!