[K-POP IN PUBLIC ONE TAKE] 퍼플키스(PURPLE KISS) 'Sweet Juice' | Dance cover by 3to1

[K-POP IN PUBLIC ONE TAKE] 퍼플키스(PURPLE KISS) 'Sweet Juice' | Dance cover by 3to1

Hello, we are 3to1 dance team! For support to new covers, or maybe just indulging us sweets💗 Instagram : Goeun - Avosuro Dosie - Lina Ireh - Sonya Chaein - Nina Yuki - Vika - Swan - Alyona FILMED and EDITED by - IG: @ashen kruel @PURPLEKISS Music: Sweet Juice #coverdance #dancecover #kpopcoverdance #kpopcover #kpop #dance #kpopinpublic #3to1 #3to1cdt #PURPLEKISSdancecover #SweetJuice #PURPLEKISSSWEETJUICE #PURPLEKISS #Goeun #Dosie #Ireh #Chaein #moscow #Yuki #Swan #PURPLEKISSinpublic "dance cover" "kpop dance cover" "kpop cover dance" "kpop cover" "kpop" "dance" "kpop in public" "3to1" "3to1 cdt" "3to1 cover dance team" "Sweet Juice in public" "kpop in public russia" ! All necessary used materials, are ONLY for cover dance Doesn't claim copyrighting etc !