Memeland থেকে কত ডলার পাবো। Memeland Airdrop withdraw update

Memeland থেকে কত ডলার পাবো। Memeland Airdrop withdraw update

Memeland থেকে কত ডলার পাবো। Memeland Airdrop withdraw update সব bot আপডেট টেলিগ্রামে পাবেন জয়েন link স্টার কিনতে মেসেজ করুন ======================================= 💼 For business: [email protected] ======================================= #memeland​ #airdrop​ #withdraw​ Here’s some important information to keep in mind: 1. Token distribution will take place in December in three stages: • Pre-sale participants • Those who completed all Airdrop tasks • Everyone else, except bots This phased approach is fair and justified. 2. $MEMES listed on Hotcoin. The $MEMES rate is currently being tested as an index. 3. Negotiations with top exchanges for further