Augmentin 625mg tablet use dose benefits and Side effects Full review in Urdu& hindi 2023
Augmentin 625mg tablet use dose benefits and Side effects Full review in Urdu& hindi 2023 Augmentin 625mg tablet use dose benefits and Side effects Full review in hindi यहां पर दवाईयों की सारी जानकारी हिन्दी में मिलती है। Amoxicillin clavulanic acid 625 / Augmentin / Augmentin 625mg tablets / clavam 625 tablet Amoxicillin and potassium clavunate tablets is an antibiotic tablet. In this tablet amoxicillin (semisynthetic penicillin ) is different salt and potassium clavunate ( beta lactamase inhibitor) is different salt. Amoxicillin and potassium clavunate tablets used in the treatment of bacterial infections like Community acquired pneumonia Ear infection / eye infection Dental inflammation Urinary tract infection Kidney infection / bone and bone joint infection Injury, surgery and manu more. Amoxicillin potassium clavunate tablets ip is available in many strength like 375mg tablet, 625mg tablet, 1000mg tablets Brand name are Augmentin 625mg tablets Clavam 625 tablets Novaclav tablets Omniclav tablet Moxikind CV tablets Amoxicillin & potassium clavunate tablets ip mpx-cv 625 We also discuss about Amoxicillin and potassium clavunate tablets / augmentin 625mg tablet / clavam 625 tablet Brand name Uses in detail Side effects Contraindications Dosage how to use Why clavunic acid ( Potassium clavunate ) is added with amoxicillin ? Like/ share / Subscribe augmentin 625 duo tablets,augmentin 625,augmentin 625 tablets benefits#28,augmentin 625 tablet kis kaam aata hai,augmentin 625mg tablets,augmentin 625mg tablets uses in hindi,augmentin 625mg tablets tamil,augmentin 625mg tablets in pregnancy,augmentin 625mg tablets uses in urdu,augmentin 625mg tablets side effects,augmentin 625mg tablets price,augmentin 625mg tablets uses in pregnancy,augmentin 625mg tablets for teeth,augmentin 625mg tablets uses,Augment uses #amoxyclav Amoxycillinandpotassiumclavunatetablets #augmentintablets #augmentin625mg #clavamtablets #clavam625 #learnaboutmedicine