Low Carb Eggnog Latte Recipe
This Keto eggnog latte is a fat-packed treat to give you sustained energy to fuel you through your morning! This recipe is the same as our popular virgin eggnog recipe, with a kick of caffeine for a holiday morning treat. It’s unlike any other eggnog you’ve probably tried as it’s completely sugar-free. Insteadwe used erythritol to provide sweetness without the dreaded blood sugar spike and crash that sweet drinks can bring. If this drink is a bit too rich for you, feel free to adjust the heavy cream amounts to your preferences. Enjoy! Recipe Source: https://link.carbmanager.com/EggnogLatte — Subscribe to our channel for more premium Keto recipe videos: https://link.carbmanager.com/ytsubscribe Even more premium low-carb recipes: https://www.carbmanager.com/recipes Download the app to track macros + log recipes with one tap: iOS: https://apple.co/2Lj2s4J Android: http://bit.ly/2Lihbgi Sign up on the web: https://www.carbmanager.com/ We’re Carb Manager, the best macro tracking app for managing a sustainable, healthy, low-carb way of eating. From Keto to Low Carb, Paleo to plant-based, carb-conscious gut health diets and more, we help you go beyond macros and counting calories to help you achieve ideal metabolic health. As a leader in the Low Carb space, we’ve been honing our app features and recipe database for over a decade to serve users eating Keto, managing diabetes and other health conditions, or maintaining a variety of low-carb-focused diets for metabolic health. We are passionate about providing tools and resources to help you eat, sleep, feel, age, and perform your best. With 5,000 Keto and low-carb recipes, meal planner, shopping list generator, weight loss tracker, intermittent fasting tracker, and everything else that you need to meet your health and weight loss goals and become the next low-carb or Keto success story! Download Carb Manager: iOS: https://apple.co/2Lj2s4J Android: http://bit.ly/2Lihbgi Sign up on the web: https://www.carbmanager.com/ Follow us on Instagram: / carbmanagerapp Connect with us on Facebook: / carbmanager Pinterest: / carbmanagerapp Sign up for Premium: https://www.carbmanager.com/premium — Low carb Eggnog Latte Ingredients 5 large raw egg yolks 0.75 tbsp powdered erythritol 0.5 cups almond milk 0.25 cups heavy whipping cream 1 dash salt 0.13 tsp nutmeg 0.13 tsp clove 0.13 tsp vanilla 0.13 tsp rum extract 8floz coffee 8floz heavy whipping cream Instructions 1. Make sure your egg yolks are clean of any whites before adding them to a mixing bowl fitted with a whisk attachment. Whip the egg yolks at a high speed for several minutes; perhaps 5-7 minutes. Look for light pale yellow and thickened yolks. Then, whip the powdered erythritol into the egg yolks, continuing until the sweetener dissolves and the eggs are again thick and pale. 2. Add almond milk and heavy cream to a medium-sized pot and begin heating it on the stove. Once the milk reaches a simmer, immediately take it off the heat. Turn your stand mixer back on to whip the egg yolks at a slow speed while you temper the eggs with the hot liquid. Pour a small amount of hot milk and cream into the eggs while they’re whipping, then gradually add more until all the liquid is poured in. 3. Whip the hot liquid to release some of the steam. Then, pour all of the liquid back into your pot. Return the pot of eggnog to the stove, and season the eggnog with salt, nutmeg, clove, vanilla extract, and rum extract. If you want to leave out the rum taste entirely, omit the rum extract. Continually stir and heat the eggnog over medium heat until the beverage reaches 150 degrees Fahrenheit, then set the eggnog aside to cool temporarily. 4. Since you’re making a hot latte, you can keep the eggnog warm. To make one eggnog latte, brew 4 fluid ounces (or more) of coffee into a large 12oz mug or bigger. After the coffee is brewed pour 4 fluid ounces of egg nog into the coffee, then use a milk frother to quickly blend the two components together. In a separate, heat-safe cup or container, heat 4 fluid ounces of heavy cream in a microwave for only 30 seconds just to warm it up. Use your milk frother again to froth the cream for about 30 seconds before pouring it into the top of your coffee mug to complete the latte. Sprinkle cinnamon or nutmeg on top of the latte to complete it.