He's a WHOLE SAD ANIME DAD!! // FMA: Brotherhood Ep. 36 Reaction!
Sean, Morgan, and Dustin rock the 36th episode of the CLASSIC FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood!! Get EARLY Access to Ep 36 RIGHT NOW at / seantanktop for only $5!! Edited by The Mighty Abe !! Give his channel a sub AND CHECK OUT HIS PODCAST and show some love at / scopeproductions !! Check our Socials!! TikTok: @thewatchersinthebar FB: facebook.com/SeanTanktop/ IG: @watchersinthebar @seantanktop @grandmafartparty @drdrase @nofonefonz TWITCH.TV/SEANTANKTOP TWITCH.TV/DDRASE TWITCH.TV/GrandmaFartParty MORGAN’S TikTok @grandmafartparty Support the channel and get tons of extras on www.patreon.com/SeanTanktop #fullmetalalchemist #Ed #Hoenhiem