आहा टमाटर - Aaha Tamatar Bade Mazedar - Nursery Rhymes and Kids Song in Hindi #tamatarcartoonsong
#titliudi #titliudiudnasaki #nurseryrhymes Titli Udi Bus Me Chadhi - तितली उड़ी | Popular Hindi Rhymes For Childrens | Titli Udi Kids Poem #titliudi #childrensrhymes #titli #titliudiudnasaki #titliudibusmeinchadi #nurseryrhymes #kidspoems #kidssongs #hindirhymes#kidssongs #hindirhymes #kalumadariaaya #babysongs "Kalu Madari Aaya" is a delightful animated Hindi rhyme video that captivates young hearts with its vibrant colors, catchy tunes, and endearing characters. The rhyme revolves around the playful antics of Kalu Madari, a mischievous monkey, as he arrives in a lively village. With its catchy lyrics and joyful melody, the video invites children to sing along and dance to the rhythm, making it a fun and educational experience. "Kalu Madari Aaya" is not only a source of entertainment but also imparts valuable lessons about teamwork, friendship, and the spirit of community. This enchanting animated rhyme video is sure to bring smiles to the faces of children and parents alike. #kalumadariaaya #hindirhymes #babysongs #kidssongs #kidsrhymeschildrensongs #animatedrhymes #eshitvKalu Madari Aaya, Watch and enjoy this popular hindi nursery rhyme "कालू मदारी आया". These beautiful kindergarten hindi baby songs make kids learn new things with fun. Watch our children rhyme videos and leave your comments. Come back to check out our latest uploads on Kids Learning Videos, Kids Moral Stories, Fun Rhymes, Rhymes for Children, Children Songs, children stories, Hindi Nursery Rhymes. ============================================ Music and Lyrics: DCPR production ============================================