how to apply in Turkey burslari scholarship / turkey burslari scholarship ma apply krny ka tricka

how to apply in Turkey burslari scholarship / turkey burslari scholarship ma apply krny ka tricka

DO YOU HAVE RELATIVES IN TURKEY (YES/NO) That’s the end of FIRST SECTION now click on “HOME” Icon on left side and then click “Apply” and then click “Start Application” SECOND PART 1: APPLICATION CONDITIONS TICK STATEMENT “I HAVE READ AND ACCEPTED ALL CONDITIONS” AND THEN CLICK SAVE. 2: REFERENCE INFORMATION {ADD 2, 3 OR 4 GOOD REFENCE LETTERS HERE WRITTEN BY YOUR PROFESSORS} Information asked (about referee, who wrote reference letter): NAME, SURNAME, PHONE (format +92----------), EMAIL, INSTITUTION NAME, TITLE/POSITION Document Upload: Reference Letters After uploading document TICK statement “THIS INFORMATION BELONGS TO MY ACADEMIC REFERENCE” AND THEN CLICK “SAVE” 3: PREFERENCES (HERE PREFERENCES ABOUT TURKEY UNIVERSITIES WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU BASED UPON LAST EDUCATION LEVEL INFORMATION YOU PROVIDED IN PREVIOUS SECTION OF APPLICATION, YOU CAN CHOOSE UPTO 12 UNIVERSITIES FROM GIVEN OPTIONS BUT ONE BY ONE, CHOOSE ONE UNIVERSITY THEN CLICK SAVE THEN CHOOSE 2ND UNIVERSITY AND AGAIN SAVE AND SO ON) 4: LETTER OF INTENT {QUESTIONS ASKED IN THIS SECTION ARE GIVEN BELOW; YOU CAN WRITE THEIR ANSWES IN WORD FILE AND LATER JUST COPY/PASTE THOSE ANSWERS IN APPLICATION.} 1ST QUESTION: Title of Study (Please state the title of your study in a brief and concise manner, as the title of a thesis or an article.) (Maximum 30 words) 2ND QUESTION: The Analysis of the Issue (Please state the subject which you will deal with in your study and your theory.) (Minimum 75, Maximum 300 words) 3RD QUESTION: Method (Please provide details concerning the methods of research you are planning to use in this study. For example, in depth interviews, observations, surveys, trials, etc.) (Minimum 75, maximum 300 words) 4TH QUESTION: General Structure of the Study (Please state the main headings of the study.) (Minimum 75, maximum 300 words) 5TH QUESTION: Academic Contribution of the Study (Please explain what type of contribution this study will make to the Field in the academic sense.) (Minimum 75, maximum 300 words) 6TH QUESTION: Literature Review (Please state the principal academic resources which have been written in the field of this study and which you will utilise.) (Minimum 75, maximum 300 words) LAST QUESTION: If there are any areas which you do not consider to be sufficiently clear, or which you believe need to be clarified, or any points you wish to draw the attention of the assessment committee, please describe these briefly, in this section. 5: QUESTIONNAIRE If your application is positively evaluated, you will be invited to an interview. Please select the most suitable location for the interview. CHOOSE COUNTRY FIRST AND THEN CHOOSE CITY And then click “Save” 6: SUMMARY (CHECKE THE DETAILS YOU PROVIDED IN PREVIOUS SECTIONS IN THIS SUMMARY, IF ALL PROVIDED INFORMATION IS CORRECT THEN TICK MARK STATEMENT GIVEN AT END! “ AND CLICK SUBMIT….