How to Play Blue Suede Shoes - Elvis Presley (cover) - Easy 4 Chord Tune

How to Play Blue Suede Shoes - Elvis Presley (cover) - Easy 4 Chord Tune

PartyMarty Gear I Use - PartyMarty Merchandise - Donate to PartyMarty - Don't forget to go to the settings wheel in the bottom right corner and go into quality and select 720HD for best viewing experience Chord Help -    • Easy Guitar Chords Lesson 1 - A, Amin...   My Channel -    / @partymartyeasyguitartunes1711   Like me on Facebook -   / partymartyegt   Follow me on Twitter -   / partymartyegt   Follow on Tumblr - Follow Me on Instagram -   / partymartyegt   Follow Me on Pinterest -   / cmartin8888   How to Play Blue Suede Shoes - Elvis Presley (cover) - Easy 4 Chord Tune - This tune was originally written and recorded by none other than Carl Perkins. This is a really fun tune to play for all ages and always goes over well at any venue. Elvis is still considered the King and his music will live on forever. I really enjoy playing this tune and hope you do as well. Please have a look at this tune and enjoy. Please feel free share this video and please subscribe to my channel for more PartyMarty EasyGuitarTunes. My Channel -    / @partymartyeasyguitartunes1711   Disclaimer: I am an affiliate/sponsor of the products/services mentioned above. I will receive a commission when you purchase via my links. Purchasing through these links will not affect your check out process in any way. I really appreciate the support it will bring my channel to allow me to keep making PMEGT videos for you. Thank you for both your trust and support!