Prayer To Cancel Promise and Fail Dreams - Breaking the Yoke of Disappointment

Prayer To Cancel Promise and Fail Dreams - Breaking the Yoke of Disappointment

#PromiseandFail #DisappointmentDreams #EvangelistJoshuaOrekhie Every other person can disappoint you but God will not. Promise and fail are spirits that hinders people from fulfilling their purposes. They meet your helper in the dream (secret) to speak ill of you. They tell them many reasons they should not help you in this life. That's why you see those that promised to do something good for you. they suddenly give up. They refuse to call nor receive your calls again for no good reason. This kind of experiences leaves you in pains. Don't worry, we are going to pray to cancel the spirit of promise and fail syndrome. Kindly subscribe to my channel and hit the bell: You can support and partner with the ministry: Similar videos to watch 1. Prayer to locate my destiny helpers:    • PRAYER TO LOCATE MY DESTINY HELPERS -...   2. Signs your destiny door is closed:    • 6 SIGNS INDICATING YOUR DESTINY DOOR ...   PRAYER POINTS 1. Altar of failure and disappointment working against my life, catch fire and die, in Jesus name. 2. Every spirit of promise and fail operating in my life, die, in Jesus name. 3. Every good promise that refuses to fulfill in my life, I speak to you, be fulfilled in the name of Jesus. 4. O Lord, speak to my helper to see many reasons to help me, in Jesus name. 5. Any form of manipulation between me and my divine helpers be cancelled in Jesus’ name. 6. Every dream of promise and fail, be wiped out of my life, in Jesus name. 7. Oh Lord, remove every curse of delay from my life, in Jesus name. Read more prayers: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are my official accounts. 1. Website; 2.. Second website: 3. YouTube:    / evangelistjoshuatv   4. Facebook:   / evangelistjoshuaorekhie1   5. Instagram:   / evangelistjoshuaorekhie   6. Twitter:   / evangjoshuaorek