Easy yoga flow to energize your day #yogatipsforbeginners #yogapractice #yogaclass #easyyoga #yoga
Easy 12 minute yoga to for calm and relaxation in your day. This practice is easy enough for beginners to practice. Focus on breath, focus on connection with yourself, focus on the subtleties of the practice! Full class is available thru subscription! outube Links (Affiliate Marketing) * * www.christykokami.com Practice yoga with me: www.patreon.com/christykokami * * PROPS: I receive a portion of the sales from the items in the links below #affiliatemarketing Mat: https://bit.ly/42Ih0zP Cork blocks: https://bit.ly/35OEom9 Foam blocks: https://bit.ly/3wnNxPu Belt (quick release): https://bit.ly/3j6Dt43 Bolster (round): https://bit.ly/3xeXtJw Bolster (rectangle): https://bit.ly/3Kn5HmO Yoga blankets: https://bit.ly/36WH7L4 Microfiber wash cloths (12 pack): https://amzn.to/3bGSEjD Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar: https://amzn.to/42UPuPx * * DISCLAIMER: User specifically acknowledge that Christy Kokami individually, Christy Kokami Yoga LLC, Lila Moksha Yoga LLC, its affiliates, and employees are neither responsible nor liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive, or other injury or damages arising out of or relating in any way to the contents of this site, site-related services, content or information contained within this digital course delivery content or video. The user's sole remedy for dissatisfaction with the site, site-related services, and/or digital content is to stop accessing the site and/or those services. User understands that participation in yoga involves risks which may result in serious bodily inury and/or death. Some of the risks include, but are not limited to, muscle strains, muscle pulls, and spinal injury. The User is aware that participation in the videos involves risks which may result in serious injury and/or death. The User understands that other risks or incidents that are known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, may result in serious bodily injury. The User agrees on their own behalf and on behalf of their children and all minors in their care, custody, or control to assume full responsibility for the risks identified, and hereby release from liability and waive any and all claims that they have or may have in the future against Christy Kokami individually, Christy Kokami Yoga, Lila Moksha Yoga, and each of their affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, employees, contractors, subcontractor, agents, representatives, and assigns, and any and all parties or persons acting on their behalf in connection with the event.