ROBLOX (Pillar Chase 2) GOLD Tinky Winky/Stricken/Cave Tubby GAMEPLAY..!!!
ROBLOX (Pillar Chase 2) GOLD Tinky Winky/Stricken/Cave Tubby GAMEPLAY..!!! I FINALLY GOT GOLD TINKY also Hopefully yall did enjoy the video! Thumbnail Inspired by Flipop go subscribe to him! PILLAR CHASE 2: https://www.roblox.com/games/16560655... Soundtracks: • Windmill Isle (Day) - Sonic Unleashed... • Lights, Camera, Action! - Studiopolis... TimeStamps: Getting Gold: 0:00 Game 1: 4:17 Game 2: 8:27 Tags: #pillarchase2 #pillarchase2 #video #roblox #monster #samsonite #mimic #bendy #batim #jeff #jeffthekiller #sonicexe #slendytubbies #roblox #pillarchase2 #stricken #tinkywinky #gameplay #showcase #horrorgame #jumpscare #slendytubbies pillarchase2, roblox, fnaf, halloween, fuwatti, skins, update, inkfell, bendy Visitor, DJ, Dimsay, Gospel, Royal, leaks, niloticus, buff, nerf, sonic.exe, jeffthekiller, tierlist, wyst, pillartapes, diamond, lv100, level100, lvl100, pcx, rework, fogborn, jeffthekiller, purpleguy,