Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 - Cut Off [Challenge Mode] 4K

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 - Cut Off [Challenge Mode] 4K

Your task will be to infiltrate hostile facility and obtain secret data. Just like in case of your previous missions, you will have to go back to your hideout and use the laptop to gain begin your next task. Head to the place marked on your map and you will reach hostile area presented in the screenshot. You will have a view of a large part of the facility, thus use your drone to scan the surrounding area. The spot behind the first satellite is a perfect place to fire. Wait for the soldier, who is patrolling the roof, stops by the left edge and take him out before you eliminate the enemy by the ventilator. Once both soldiers are dead, use the rope attached near you, and jump down. Here, you can take care of the first satellite. Remember! Your side quest suggests that you are not allowed to kill any scientists. In order to change the satellite's position, you will have to interrogate the scientist located by the computer in the right moment. This would be the moment when the other scientist turns away from you. It is also important to pick up the unconscious scientist and hide his body behind the wall. This way you won't alarm your enemies and the option task will remain available. To reach another satellite dish, you can use the following path. The main advantage of this choice is that you will be able to secure the area of hostile units, which will be very useful later on. Head to the location presented in the screenshot - the roof where the first satellite dish is located, on the left. There is a rope that will take you to a roof a small building on the other side. Before you proceed, you can take care of two soldiers, patrolling the area near the satellite dish (so that they won't notice you as you will be making your way to the other side). Use the roof to reach the end of the path. There is a fence that will prevent you from moving to the next sector and a corridor that will take you to the second satellite dish. The spot presented in the screenshot is a perfect place to take another shot. However, there is a guard at the end of the road. As soon as you reach the other side of the location, go inside and wait for the two scientists to split up. The scientist on the left is standing by the server and the one on the right is on his way to the right side of the room. This should give you enough time to reposition the satellite dishes. Once this is done, you will find out that there is another action and you only have 120 seconds to do that. Take the same corridor that you used to get here, and you will find a small passage to the rocks, on the right. There is a rope that will take you to your destination. As soon as you go through the window, kill two guards by the computer. Now use the device to stop the signal. The whole activity should take you about 60 seconds, so you should still have plenty of time to plan your moves. Use the elevator presented in the screenshot (the button is on the yellow pole) and get out of the building. There are some heavy-armored soldiers at the landing ground, so be careful. This is a good place to use your drone if you have not scanned the area already. Kill your enemies, reach the lower levels and get to the last satellite dish. Just like before, you may have to incapacitate one of the scientist to complete the side quest. Once you complete your task, exit the location. Unlocked reward that can be purchased for completing the mission: -Archer AR15 Laser sight - Laser sight -Knight 110 Silencer - Silencer -NATO 6x 10x 12x - Scope -Night Vision Goggles - Night Vision for your main hero