12-30-2024. Office of Morning Prayer. Mon. SIXTH DAY OF THE OCTAVE OF CHRISTMAS

12-30-2024. Office of Morning Prayer. Mon. SIXTH DAY OF THE OCTAVE OF CHRISTMAS

• Liturgy of the Hours/Divine Office. • 12-30-2024. Office of Morning Prayer. Mon. SIXTH DAY OF THE OCTAVE OF CHRISTMAS • “Act of Adoration” (page 78 of 2011 edition of the Pauline Prayer book) • “Fr. Alberione’s Prayer in Time of Suffering” (bookmark prayer) • PAGES FOR 4 VOLUME SET OF LITURGY OF THE HOURS, BOOK I: 399 (Invitatory Antiphon), 648 (Invitatory), 407 (Hymn), 407 (Proper of Seasons), 688 (Psalter), 461 (Proper of Seasons), 655 (Gospel Canticle), 462 (Proper of Seasons). • PAGES FOR BOOK OF CHRISTIAN PRAYER: 140 (Invitatory Antiphon), 688 (Invitatory), 144 (Proper of Seasons), 707 (Psalter), 168 (Proper of Seasons), 691 (Gospel Canticle), 168 (Proper of Seasons). • Prayer of Thanksgiving • Ending Meditation from the Pauline Agenda ______________________________________________________ #divineoffice #officeofmorningprayer #liturgyofthehours #liturgicalprayer #breviary #bookofchristianprayer