The March of Tartarus (extended) - God of War 3 Soundtrack

The March of Tartarus (extended) - God of War 3 Soundtrack

Extended version of The March of Tartarus I created based on all in-game versions. In-game versions: Helios version:    • March of Tartarus (Helios version) - ...   Cronos version 1:    • March of Tartarus (Cronos version 1) ...   Cronos version 2 (drums-only version):    • March of Tartarus (drums-only version...   Cronos version 3:    • March of Tartarus (Cronos version 3) ...   OST version:    • The March of Tartarus   March of Tartarus is based on a theme from God of War 2, appearing in the following tracks:    • The summit of Sacrifice   (The Summit of Sacrifice at 1:27),    • Death of Icarus - God of War 2 Soundt...   (Death of Icarus),    • God of War II - The Battle For Olympu...   (The Battle for Olympus at 0:16). God of War 3 extended tracks:    • God of War 3 Soundtrack Extended   Composed by Ron Fish.