Marina Protocol x Girin Wallet Integration Begins - Connect your Marina Protocol with Girin Wallet

Marina Protocol x Girin Wallet Integration Begins - Connect your Marina Protocol with Girin Wallet

💙Marina Protocol x Girin Wallet Integration Begins! TGE coming soon!!!! ✅Surfers, connect your @Girin_Wallet directly within the Marina Protocol app and elevate your Web3 journey! 🔔How To Connect: 1️⃣Tap Assets (Top-right corner). 2️⃣Select Wallet. 3️⃣Choose Girin Wallet under "Connect your wallet". 4️⃣In the Girin Wallet app, tap Connect with Marina Protocol. 💡Now Live: 🟢Girin Wallet integration is available! ※ SURF and BAY token imports are not yet supported. 🚀Coming Soon: 🔸Surfer ID Verification: Finalize your identity. 🔸Surfboard Features: Earn daily BAY with SURF and prepare for token listing. 🔸Token Conversion: Unlock utility with TGE. 🔥The wave is gaining momentum! Spread the word and let's make this TGE a huge success together! $SURF $BAY $XRP #XRPL Marina Protocol Connect Girin Wallet Girin Wallet 👉 FOR MORE LINKS AND UPDATE JOIN OUR GROUP CHAT...... Telegram: Whatsapp Group 1: Group 2: