Woodland Park  / Green Lake UMC - Lent 2, 2025 (Sunday, March 16)

Woodland Park / Green Lake UMC - Lent 2, 2025 (Sunday, March 16)

Our friend, musician and songwriter Michael Stern will join us on Sunday March 16 th to deliver a message titled “For the Facing of this Hour”, incorporating stories and music with dance interpretations by Mollie Stover-Brown, a guest dancer/choreographer from Wichita, Kansas. Mike's songs draw inspiration from diverse literary, historical, spiritual and personal influences which range from thought-provoking to humorous, and from romantic to spiritual. His presentations utilize original songs, stories and community-building experiences focused on nurturing compassion, peace, justice, hope and healing; all while generating group participation and discussion. His music evokes feelings of passion, joy and wonder at the beauty of creation and human diversity. This service will likely best be experienced in the sanctuary but will be live-streamed on this channel. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online giving for Woodland Park: https://tinyurl.com/donate-Wpumc Online giving for Green Lake UMC: https://www.tinyurl.com/glumc  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All music reprinted and streamed under OneLicense # 731082-A (Green Lake UMC); and 734554-A (Woodland Park UMC) All other music: Public Domain.