How to Control Mind & Redirect Your Energy to Self Transformation! #GYMLINK #DetermineNation IIšŸ‘ŠII

How to Control Mind & Redirect Your Energy to Self Transformation! #GYMLINK #DetermineNation IIšŸ‘ŠII

Your Mind is the screen. The movies and stories that play out there if acted upon, will eventually become your life. If you must or need to be on a screen, watch and act on this! Sharing the great news, lives and stories of Determine-Nation! Do you know deep down inside that you're capable of more? Are you sick and tired of feeling uncertain, doubting yourself and life? Ever wonder why you do what you do? Do you want to score the greatest goal of feeling free in the gym of life? If you know what you want and truly believe you can act on it, you were born to have it! If you are breathing, you are in business. If you can learn and be, you can win. Feed your mind and body as one in healthy and wealthy ways, and that is what you inevitably will be! You are the entrepreneur of your life. You are the creator of your mind and you can control it to act on what you want. You can determine how to be. You are the greatest gift ever we all need! Nobody and no family left behind! We need your help. We are constantly working towards building and expanding our team/family/nation. We would love to meet you to talk about what we do and how we can all work in the mission together. You can reach out to us anytime at: [email protected] and/or [email protected] While creating and sharing this GYM LINK helps us today and everyday as we hope it does for all, what about YOU? How can all our energy/life/Mind be even more valuable to you? What can we further do to truly help you as we continue doing what we love to do everyday? We love you all so much and know you were born to win and solve any problem in your life. PRESENTING GYM LINK FOR YOU TO BE! WIN TO PLAY! TIME TO 100% BELIEVE IN, BE AND LIVE THE TRUE STORY OF WHO/WHAT WE ALL REALLY ARE! IIšŸ‘ŠII For the pure LOVE OF LEARNING AND LIFE! Expanding our I.I. (Infinite Intelligence) by uniting with and using our tool of A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) to "crack the code" of MIND/LIFE and create U.H.I. (Ultimate Human Intelligence) IIšŸ‘ŠII Virtually learning from and with each other while growing together (WIN-WIN) to become The True And Great YOU TO BE using GYM LINK on YouTube! Turning our problems into solutions as gifts of service and infinite value to ourselves and each other forever! Ultimately, transforming pain into PURPOSE and addiction/drifting/gambling/uncertainty/randomness to the one absolute certainty, feeling, meaning, energy, passion and greatest investment of our Determination! You are the Ultimate Lottery! You are 1 in 400 Trillion! You are the "Luckiest" thing in the Universe! You are blessed and highly favoured! KNOW YOU'RE UNLIMITED, WIN TO PLAY WITH IT! IIšŸ‘ŠII We were all born to be GYM (Grow Your Mind) Teachers and Students in the GYM of our World/Universe! šŸ™‚ā¤ļøšŸ™šŸŒŽ @evancarmichael @nickvrantsis @DJRaphi @MessiTheBoss @melrobbins Check out the links below for full video and pdfs: Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā ProductiveĀ MusicĀ PlaylistĀ |Ā 2Ā HourĀ Mi...Ā Ā  Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā #DetermineNationĀ IIšŸ‘ŠIIĀ GYMĀ (GrowĀ Your...Ā Ā  Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā 1Ā HourĀ ofĀ DJĀ RaphiĀ |Ā FunĀ DanceĀ WORKOU...Ā Ā  Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā LionelĀ MessiĀ ā—Ā AllĀ 800Ā GoalsĀ inĀ Caree...Ā Ā  Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā YouĀ AreĀ TheĀ ENTREPRENEURĀ OfĀ YOURĀ MIND...Ā Ā  Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā HowĀ toĀ ControlĀ YourĀ MindĀ &Ā RedirectĀ Y...Ā Ā  Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā BUILDĀ TRUSTĀ -Ā šŸ“šĀ IIšŸ‘ŠIIĀ Ā  Ā Ā Ā ā€¢Ā LIVING,Ā LAUGHINGĀ AndĀ LOVINGĀ OurĀ WayĀ T...Ā Ā  Love it! Thank you so much for sharing/creating! Will Integrate through GYM LINK and Invest in sharing with as many others and as much as possible! Great day Determine-Nation! šŸ™‚ WIN The MORNING, WIN Your MIND, WIN THE GYM (Grow Your Mind) OF LIFE! OUR MOTIVATION/SUPERDETERMINATION IS WHAT MAKES OUR TRUE EDUCATION/INFINITE MIND WEALTH/PRESENCE/BEING POSSIBLE NOW AND FOREVER. Let's go everyone! Faith over fear always towards the higher consciousness already within all of us. Let's Determine šŸ‘Š to unite šŸ™ more than ever, with Love ā¤and the full Positive Power and Control of our Minds together. šŸŒŽ Share, think, discuss, learn and apply with as many and as much as possible in your life the ideas/actions from this video. Let's help each other ALL learn how to WIN/BE HAPPY, RICH, PEACEFUL, FREE, LOVING, SUCCESSFUL, EDUCATED, MIND-HEALTHY/WEALTHY together wherever we are and whatever we are doing in LIFE. Infinite Intelligent Determined Integrated Investing (IIšŸ‘ŠII) in ourselves and positive thought energy at a time. YOU were born to WIN. Believe IT. DETERMINATION! IIšŸ‘ŠII Have a great life always . . . no matter what! šŸ‘Š Enjoy every moment in full service to humanity! šŸ™ šŸŒŽ With deep gratitude and reverence for our TRUE BEING, Love you all Infinitely! ā¤ Who? #DETERMINATION. Why? #MINDPOWER, #MINDHEALTH #MINDWEALTH. How? #BELIEVE.