This Father Claps His Own Daughter And Gets Her Pregnant
This Father Claps His Own Daughter And Gets Her Pregnant The horrific story of Sara, a vibrant teen girl who was looking forward to her 18th birthday so she could move away from her controlling father, Don. Her world becomes extremely dark when her father imprisons her in the basement of their home. tags: Horror recap, Horror Movie Recap, found footage horror movies, Horror Movie Recap, movie recap horror, she knows, movie recap, zombie recap, birth scene, horror birth, torture movies, torture, husband tortures, mystery recapped, abusive movies, movie summary, mystery recapped, movie recapped, recapped, story recap, movie recaps, story recapped, horror stories, scary stories, daniel cc movie, Recapped Explained, Horror movie recap, Sci fi movies, horror recaps, torture movies, torture movie, scary stories animated true, mystery recapped school, scary stories to fall asleep to, scary stories with footage, Movies under 10 mins, Psychopath Man Claps His Own Daughter After He Tôrtured His Wife,