Making Of CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD (2025) - Best Of Behind The Scenes, Stunts & Set Visit
"Captain America 4: Brave New World (2025)" - Making Of | Behind The Scenes | Special Effects | Stunt Rehearsals | Training Scenes | Fight Choreography | Set Visit | On Set Interview With Anthony Mackie, Harrison Ford, Danny Ramirez & Director Julius Onah | Behind The Scenes Talk | Funny Cast Moments | On Set Blooper Memories | Marvel Studios | The Walt Disney Company | Genre: Fantasy, Action | Subscribe ➢ http://bit.ly/2ncNY5W | (OT: CAPTAIN AMERICA) PART 5 ALREADY CONFIRMED! KEY FACTS: 🔑 Release Date US: 14.02.2025 (Theatres) 🔑 Release Date Germany: 13.02.2025 (Kino) 🔑Duration: 1h 58m P L O T: Sam Wilson, who's officially taken up the mantle of Captain America, finds himself in the middle of an international incident. CAST: ❌ Anthony Mackie (Sam Wilson/Captain America) ❌ Danny Ramirez (Joaquin Torres/Falcon) ❌ Harrison Ford (Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross/Red Hulk) ❌ Giancarlo Esposito (Sidewinder) ❌ Rosa Salazar (Rachel Leighton/Diamondback) ❌ Liv Tyler (Betty Ross) ❌ Tim Blake Nelson (Samuel Sterns/The Leader) ❌ Shira Haas (Ruth Bat-Seraph/Sabra) W R I T T E N B Y: ❌ Malcolm Spellman (screenplay) ❌ Dalan Musson (script) ❌ Matthew Orton (script) ❌ Jack Kirby (Based on the character by) ❌ Joe Simon (Based on the character by) ❌ Malcolm Spellman (script) D I R E C T E D B Y: ❌ Julius Onah 📺 No Disney+? Here you go: http://bit.ly/2gYqCzc ❗️ http:// amzn.to sind Affiliate Links. Wenn ihr darüber etwas kauft ändert sich für euch nichts, ihr unterstützt jedoch meine Arbeit. | Trailer: Promotional use only. | All Rights Reserved. | Trailer property of The Walt Disney Company | #captainamericabravenewworld #makingof #marvel