Daily Mass | Holy Mass @ 6:15 am, Sat 15th March 2025, St Joseph Church, Mira Road
Daily Live Holy Mass at 6:15 am, Saturday 15th March 2025, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road Begins at 6:11 am with the Angelus & the Mass Intentions, 6:15 am the Holy Eucharist. +++During this Holy Mass we pray for the following intentions: For the souls of : Erikette D’Costa, Norbert D’Souza, Jessie Kartik, Johnny D’Cunha, Wilbert Mendes, Deceased Members Of Wilbert Mendes Family, Francis & Lourdine Fernandes, Edwin & Dominic Fernandes, Martis Nazareth, + Thanksgiving Mass:- By Russel Mendes, By Simplane Fernandes. + Birthday’s:- Aziel & Eliana Alphonso. +++