How To Boost Your Libido : Increase Testosterone Levels | Dr. J9 Live
How To Boost Your Libido : Increase Testosterone Levels | Dr. J9 Live In this episode of the Dr. Janine Show Dr. Janine discussed how to boost your libido and increasing your testosterone levels in men and women. She shares the benefits of a healthy libido, & sex life like lower stress levels and improved immunity. Dr. Janine explains the 10 most common causes of low libido and signs you have low libido. She also shares 9 tips for how to increase libido, including Dr. J9 guided meditation for increasing your libido and a recipe for a tasty chocolate strawberry shake that will help increase your libido. Links to supplements mentioned in this episode. Vitatree Vitamin D3 capsules: Vitatree Vitamin D3 chewable: Vitatree VitaFish Oil: Vitatree VitaMen’s Formula: https://store.vitatree.com/All-Produc... Vitatree Vita Women’s Formula: https://store.vitatree.com/All-Produc... Vitatree Zinc Plus Quercetin: https://store.vitatree.com/All-Produc... Links to other shows mentioned in this episode. The Science of Weight Loss : Leptin Resistance: • The Science of Weight Loss : Leptin R... Watch the Dr. Janine Show -Online every Monday 12pm ETS -And chat with Dr. Janine live during the show. Connection with Doctor Janine: Instagram: @doctorjanine Facebook: / drj9live Twitter: @drj9live Tik Tok: @doctorjanine YouTube: / vitatree Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/drj9live #libido #testosterone #increasetestosteronelevels