How to Keep a Bougainvillea Flowering(EASY TIPS)

How to Keep a Bougainvillea Flowering(EASY TIPS)

THE SECRETS OF BOUGAINVILLEA: To grow a lush bougainvillea that produces prolific blooms for which it is known, just follow these simple tips...:) DAIZZ'S TIPS:-Bougainvillea is a hardy tropical vine that grows in areas where winter temperatures remain above 30 degrees F. (-1 C.). The plant usually produces three rounds of vibrant blooms in spring, summer and autumn. If you don’t have growing space or live in a suitable climate, you can plant bougainvillea in a pot. SUNLIGHT/LOCATION:- Place a bougainvillea in an area with at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. A sunny porch or south-facing window might be the ideal location. If grown indoors, in shade or partial shade, you will have nice vegetative growth, but little or no bloom. If possible, keep your bougainvillea outdoors, and keep in mind that southern exposure is ideal. If you're planting the bougainvillea in a container, make sure to choose one with plenty of drainage holes, since bougainvillea hate to have "wet feet." SOIL:- Bougainvillea has an extremely fine root system, and should be planted in well-drained soils. Avoid soil mixes with high peat levels and water retention. These types of media retain too much water and will contribute to root rot; be sure to select a well-draining media so make sure the soil drains quite well. They need rich soil that is slightly acidic, with pH between 5.5 and 6.0. •Add limestone to the soil to increase the pH or sulphur,coffee or white vinegar to decrease the pH as necessary. FERTILIZER:- Bougainvillea is a heavy feeder and requires regular fertilization to produce blooms throughout the growing season. - Feed the plant a fertilizer every few months to keep the flowers blooming. Organic or slow-release fertilizers work best. Most bougainvillea gardeners go with a 20:20:20 or a 10:10:10 fertilizer for regular fertilizing WATER:- Bougainvillea plants weaken with too much watering, ending up with all leaf growth in place of flowers. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, providing water only when the soil is dry to the touch about 3 or 4 inches deep into the soil. water enough to keep the soil damp, but not so much that you leave the plant waterlogged. PRUNING:- Bougainvillea plants are prolific growers and need good pruning to force blooming and retain a pretty shape. After the bougainvillea has finished blooming for the season, cut it back by a few inches. This will promote healthy growth WINTER CARE:- If you live in a climate that gets cold in the winter, and you planted your bougainvillea in a pot, bring it inside for the winter. If you leave it outside it will not survive the harsh weather MUSIC:- Buddha by Kontekst   / kontekstmusic   Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Audio Library    • Buddha – Kontekst (No Copyright Music)   Reflection - Tobu | SoundCloud (No Copyright Music) link:-   • Reflection – Tobu (No Copyright Music)   Music by Tobu    / tobuofficial   Main Playlists: • Artists: • Genres: • Moods: Thank you for watching and please give me a Like and I would love you to SUBSCRIBE for regular updates and take a look at my other Videos...thank u..:) Please subscribe to this beautiful channel ..which belongs to a beautiful and very humble man..:) Have a look guys ..all videos are very beautiful...:) channel name:-Richard Parker LINK:-   / @richardparker371   SUBCRIBE TO THIS BEAUTIFUL CHANNEL FOR AWESOME TIME LAPSE VIDEOS N MORE..:) CHANNEL NAME :TECH GARDEN LINK:-   / @techgardensarvesh   SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL FOR MORE GARDENING VIDEOS CHANNEL NAME:-Gardening For beginners LINK:-    / @satyamvaishnaw3840