मेरी गुड़िया हो गयी बिमार #trending #shorts #youtubeshorts #viral #trendingshorts

मेरी गुड़िया हो गयी बिमार #trending #shorts #youtubeshorts #viral #trendingshorts

Title :-मेरी गुड़िया हो गयी बिमार #trending #shorts #youtubeshorts #viral #trendingshorts Video link :-    • सोनू की गुड़िया हो गयी बीमार | Miss Po...   Description :- "Miss Polly Had a Dolly" is a classic nursery rhyme that has delighted children for generations. In this charming tale, Miss Polly, a kind-hearted caregiver, is depicted taking care of her beloved doll. The rhyme typically goes like this: "Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick, So she phoned for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick. The doctor came with his bag. The rhyme teaches children about empathy and the importance of seeking help when someone is unwell, all while delighting them with its playful rhythm and memorable characters. Enjoy songs for kids / babies / toddlers and popular nursery rhymes in English , Hindi, Marathi, Bengali , Gujarati and many more languages set in the world of Taarak Mehta ka Ooltah Chashmah with the residents of Gokuldham Society. #misspolly #misspollyhadadolly #merigudiya #gudiya #rhymes #twinkletwinklelit #johnyjohnyyespapa #nurseryrhymes #humptydumpty #bustarhymes #wheelsonthebu #abcsong #chuchutv #baabaablackshe #fivelittleducks #babablacksheep #daveandava #chittichilakam #rainraingoaway #itsybitsyspider #nurseryrhymesth #5littleducks #hickorydickorydock #fivelittlemonkeys #wheelsonthebussong #chuchutvjohnyj #hattimatimtim #telugurhymes #johny johnyyespapaeatingsugarnopapa #nurseryrhymesso #incywincyspider #5littlemonkeys #johnnyjohnnyyespapa #hindirhymes #abcdrhymes #englishrhymes #twinklelittlestar #heydiddlediddle #rhymeswith #tamilrhymes #johnyyespapa #busta #wheelsonthebu #chuchutvabcp #littlemissmuffet #marymaryquitec #peterpeterpum #nurseryrhymeshu #singbaabaablacksheep #itsybitsyspidersong #theitsybitsyspider #johnyjohnyspapa #hotcrossbunsso #chittichilakammarhymes #rhymeshindirhymes #rhymeshindisong #nurseryrhymeshindimein #lkgrhymeshindi #nurseryclassrhymesinhindi #hindirhymeshindirhymeshindirhymeshindirhymes #nurseryrhymeshindimai #nurseryrhymeshindiandenglish #youtubenurseryrh #englishrhymeshin #toysforkids #babywalker #kidrock #ninjakids #thingstodowithkidsnearme #rhymetime #babyrhymes #nurseryrhymes #nurseryrhyme #rhymes #rhymesforkids #rhymesinhindi #poems #poem #poetry #poetrystatus #poetrycommunity #kidspoem #kidspoems #kidslearningvideos #kidssong #kidssong #kidsmusic #childrensbooks #youtubekids #youtubekidschannel #guitarkids #trending #shorts #youtubeshorts #viral #trendingshorts #viralshorts Poems in Hindi, bangla , marathi, gujrati , english and many more Indian lanauges. We are building a safe environment for kids , babies and toddlers to learn our culture, value , ethos in an entertaining and safe way. Kids are sure to enjoy this. Parents can just play the channel and let the kids immerse in the content. Meet Jetha, Daya, Tapu, Babuji , Taarak Mehta, Bhide , Popatlal , Anjali Mehta, Roshan Singh Sodhi , Dr. Hathi and everyone else right here in this fun filled world for kids.