[3분말씀] 모두에게 주어진 두가지의 길, 여러분은 어느길을 가시겠어요? Two ways given to us. Which way would you choose?
[3분말씀] 모두에게 주어진 두가지의 길, 여러분은 어느길을 가시겠어요? Two ways given to us Which way would you choose? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 궁금한점이 있으시다면, 💌lcc jesuslove@gmail com 이메일을 보내주세요 여러분의 댓글과 좋아요는 복음전파에 큰 힘이 됩니다 감사합니다 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions, please e-mail to 💌lcc jesuslove@gmail com We will do our best to answer it back to you as soon as possible Your comments and likes may help in spreading the gospel Thank you ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 템플릿사용 #나눔템플릿