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Contact: +91 9344833157 Mooligai Siddhar YouTube Channel shares the solutions and tools to overcome your day-to-day challenges. The wisdom that is shared here by Thiyanathiru Narayana Swamigal will help you live a Happiness-filled, Stress-free, & Harmonious Life. #mooligaisiddhar #SathyendraSiddharPeedam #spirtualclass #AnaimalaiSiddharPeedam Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. We’re on a mission to change that. All of our resources exist to guide you toward everlasting joy in God. He is the Founder of Siddhar Peedam missioned towards transforming people's lives through programs, projects, and social initiatives. Subscribe to live a healthy, wealthy, and harmonious life. YouTube - / @mooligaisiddharpollachi Facebook - / mooligai_siddhar_pollachi Map - https://www.google.com/maps/dir//Peru... Address - 567 /2 Sri Rendiswami, Perumal Malai Adivaram, Anaimalai , Pollachi ,Tamil Nadu 642 104 This content is copyright protected. Any unauthorised reproduction of this content in any form is prohibited. சித்தம் எனும் மார்க்க தளத்திற்கு தங்களை அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறோம்... வாழ்க! வளர்க! உயர்க!