BMSPB Online Mass - June 27,2021 (12:00 NN)

BMSPB Online Mass - June 27,2021 (12:00 NN)

LIVE NOW | Celebration of the Holy Mass for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary TIme from the Basilica Minore de San Pedro Bautista, San Francisco del Monte, Quezon City LIKE, FOLLOW AND SUBSCRIBE! Watch and participate on our Online Masses and activities through our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel:   / spbbasilica      / basilicaminoredesanpedrobautista   Follow us also on our other social media accounts: Instagram:   / spbbasilica   Twitter:   / spbbasilica   #500YOC #GiftedToGive #BMSPB #SPBBasilica #SPBSocComm