Mr. Sparkle Sings Elvis Presleys Blue Suede Shoes 🎤🎶 #groundhog #mr #sparkle #voice #singing #song
Mr. Sparkle says one for the money, two for the show, three for the show, no to cat go, don't step on Mr. Sparkles blue suede shoes, Mr. Sparkle loves singing Elvis Presley The King of Rock, I think we can imagine Mr. Sparkle coming out on stage in a sparkly one piece jumpsuit with shiny shoes big Elvis hair and a carrot microphone as he sways his hips Elvis style and make all the groundhogs faint but he loves his Mrs. Sparkle forever of course, sorry my imagination gets funny thinking about if Mr. Sparkle could do all of this but Mr. Sparkle you did a great fantastic job of singing blue suede shoes by Elvis Presley with the instrumentals in the background, you have got to be one of the most talented groundhogs ever and of course you too Mrs. Sparkle, we definitely cant wait to hear more Elvis from you Mr. Sparkle Sparkle Everyday 😁🥕🐾 #groundhog #carrot #chewing #backyard #eating #healthy #cute #adorable #cutie #fur #paws #nose #ears #whiskers #buddy #friend #pal #family #furry #cuteness #wildlife #floof #critter #yard #sparkle #closeup #upclose #mr #handsome #cuteanimals #outdoors #outside #voiceover #voice #singing #song #sing #elvis #bluesuedeshoes