Learn Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) in Sign Language (Part 1 of 4 in ASL tutorial - Verse 1 &2)

Learn Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) in Sign Language (Part 1 of 4 in ASL tutorial - Verse 1 &2)

In today's video we learn how to sign the first and second verse of Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) by Chris Tomlin. This is also the first 2 verses of the original hymn of amazing Grace so it'll serve two purposes. Please note, this video teaches ASL signs, but not ASL grammar or syntax. Many people call ASL signs with English grammar Signed English, English Sign Exact, or PSE (Pseudo Signed English). For a sneak peak at what we are working towards you can check out the ASL Cover here:    • Learn Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Go...   You can print off a copy of the lyrics here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S... You can purchase the song here: https://music.apple.com/ca/album/amaz...