December 31st 2023 - Livestream from Glebe St James United Church
Welcome and happy New Years Eve morning ! This is a livestream from GSJ United Church in Ottawa, ON, Canada on Sunday, December 31st 2023 at 10:30 AM. This last service of the year will be led by Hilda Sabadash one of our Lay Worship Leaders. Program details can be found on our website. Thank you for joining us! Every service at Glebe St. James begins with a welcoming message that says 'Glebe-St. James is an Affirming Community of Faith in the United Church of Canada. Everyone and their gender, race, ethnicity, abilities, and sexual orientation is welcome and celebrated in our worship.' Consider 'subscribing' to the GSJ YouTube channel and use the 'notification' (the 'bell' symbol on the GSJ YouTube channel) to be notified when we go live. If, for any reason, the webcast is interrupted you should still be able to connect by looking for the red 'live' thumb-nail image on your YouTube home screen if we were able to reestablish our livestream. If that doesn't work, we will do our best to post the recording at a later date and will advise you of that on our Facebook page. Find our service bulletin, announcements and many ways to get in touch with us at www.glebestjames.ca.