20 *BEST* $1 Dollar Tree PATIO HACKS & DIYs! + Organization SECRETS!

20 *BEST* $1 Dollar Tree PATIO HACKS & DIYs! + Organization SECRETS!

20 BEST ideas for your PATIO using items from Dollar Tree! Plus awesome outdoor organization secrets you don't want to miss! #dollartree #dollartreediy #thedailydiyer Products used in this video (some may be affiliate links): Terra Cotta Pots: https://amzn.to/42DJz0k Wood Wicks: https://amzn.to/3M8Du5e Wood Ball (turtle head): https://go.magik.ly/ml/1thk6/ Patio Paint: https://amzn.to/3o1Ilx4 Outdoor Double Sided Tape: https://amzn.to/3o23pDz Construction Adhesive: https://amzn.to/41xVQSF 4 Ply Jute: https://bit.ly/3M9hDKG Polycrylic Sealer: https://amzn.to/3nWBPYu Wood Round Table Top: https://bit.ly/42DLli5 Quikcrete: https://bit.ly/3vNBXHT Hanging Basket Bracket (similar): https://amzn.to/3Oc0Utc 🌈BLOG & WEBSITE: https://www.TheDailyDIYer.com 🔔SUBSCRIBE for weekly DIYs! https://www.youtube.com/thedailydiyer... 💖If you liked this video you'll LOVE this one: 🏠 How I built my SHE SHED:    • How I Built My SHE SHED / Tiny House   🪴 $1 PLANTER HACKS:    • Grab $1 PLANTERS from Dollar Tree for...   🎄My Christmas Crafting YouTube Channel! The Cozy Christmas Cottage Check it out HERE:    / thecozychristmascottage   ***************************************** 💖 My FAVORITE Craft Supplies & Tools! Find them here: https://www.Amazon.com/shop/thedailyd... ***************************************** LETS BE FRIENDS ON SOCIAL MEDIA! * T I K T O K:   / thedailydiyer   F A C E B O O K:   / thedailydiyer   I N S T A G R A M:   / thedailydiyer   T W I T T E R:   / thedailydiyer   ************************* 📷 Filiming Equiptment: Camera: https://amzn.to/3TNPOLI Overhead Camera Mount: https://amzn.to/3LRU0rR Over-Over Microphone: https://amzn.to/40x0pNH Lapel Mic: https://amzn.to/3nkqiBp ************************* 📌BUSINESS INQUIRIES: [email protected] The Daily DIYer P.O. Box 1138 Columbia, IL 62236 ************************* Disclaimer: All of the footage, photos, and designs are my own and may only be used with my permission. I am not sponsored by any of the products or tools shown in these videos unless otherwise mentioned. Videos are NOT made for children. Supplies, tools, and many products are not for children. There aslo may be affiliate links within this descriptions where I make a small percentage of the sales at no additional cost to you. . *****************************