Joseph, the Cupbearer, and the Baker.
Join us for another exciting episode of *Bible Adventure Kids*! 🌟 Today, we explore the incredible story of Joseph, the Cupbearer, and the Baker from Genesis 40. Discover how Joseph, even in prison, remained hopeful and used his gift of dream interpretation to help his fellow inmates. As we follow their journey, we'll see how God had a special plan for Joseph, even when things seemed tough. This engaging tale teaches kids about trust, perseverance, and God’s unwavering presence in our lives. Don't forget to like and share the video with your friends! #BibleStories #KidsBible #JosephAndTheBaker #Faith #AdventureKids #Animation OUTLINE: 00:00:00 Joseph, the Cupbearer, and the Baker - Bible Adventure Kids! 00:00:24 Joseph, the Cupbearer, and the Baker - Bible Adventure Kids! 00:01:37 Joseph, the Cupbearer, and the Baker - Bible Adventure Kids! 00:02:37 Joseph, the Cupbearer, and the Baker - Bible Adventure Kids! 00:03:37 Joseph, the Cupbearer, and the Baker - Bible Adventure Kids! 00:04:41 Joseph, the Cupbearer, and the Baker - Bible Adventure Kids!