Seventh Sunday of Easter - May 29, 2022 - 10:00 am
Welcome to the continuation of the celebrate of Easter! Thank you for joining in virtual worship from Trinity Episcopal Church, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin for a eucharistic celebration of the Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 22, 2022. Our thanks are offered to those facilitating our worship today: The Martha Berger, Celebrant and Homilist; The Rev. Judy Thayer, Deacon; Thomas Koester, Music Director. This broadcast is a live-stream of the 10:00 am service. Further details about the service may be found on the church website at www.TrinityWauwatosa.org. If you are unable to come to church to receive communion, a Eucharistic Visitor can bring it to you at your residence. To schedule a visit or for more information, contact the Rev. Gary Manning at [email protected] or 414-899-9004. ------------------------------ Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-720687. All rights reserved.