Emerald Ball 2022. Amateur Adult Championship International Latin Final
Emerald Ball 2022. Amateur Adult Championship International Latin Final Media Coverage from Emerald Ball Dancesport Championships 2022 at Hilton LAX in Los Angeles, California. With origins dating back 57 years, the Emerald Ball is a cornerstone of American dancesport, for all dancers—including those new to the competitive scene, and those hoping to capture a ranking on the national scene. As one of the top three competitions in the United States in terms of both size and prestige, the Emerald Ball is an enjoyable and awe-inspiring event for anyone who loves ballroom. Visit Competition Website: https://emeraldball.com/ Follow Ballroom Backstage: Facebook: facebook.com/ballroombackstage Instagram: / ballroombackstage Ballroom BackStage offers video services for Dance Studios and Independent instructors. Outside of competition we create memories for your students on their dance journey. dance shows showcases dance practice documentary films lifestyle videos