촛불 캐롤 Candlelight Carol - John Rutter | 서울가톨릭싱어즈

촛불 캐롤 Candlelight Carol - John Rutter | 서울가톨릭싱어즈

Candlelight carol 촛불 캐롤 - John Rutter 서울가톨릭싱어즈 지휘 - 유근창 시몬 피아노 - 남효주 안젤라 2016 12 19 Seoul Catholic Singers Conducted by Geunchang Simon, Riu pianist Hyo-Joo, Nam 19 Dec 2016 @Seo-Cho Catholic church ▶Cafe : [음원/자료/악보] ▶Blog : ▶Facebook : ▶Youtube : [Subscribe channel] ☞채널 구독은 저희에게 힘이 됩니다 ▶Donation 후원 : 📧공연문의 : seoulcatholicsingers@gmail com #서울가톨릭싱어즈, #서가싱, #seoulcatholicsingers Copyrightⓒ2016 Seoul Catholic Singers All right reserved -------------------------------------- How do you capture the wind on the water? How do you count all the stars in the sky? How can you measure the love of a mother, or how can you write down a baby's first cry? Refrain Candlelight, angel light, firelight and star-glow Shine on his cradle till breaking of dawn Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo! Angels are singing; the Christ child is born Shepherds and wise men will kneel and adore him, Seraphim round him their vigil will keep; Nations proclaim him their Lord and their Saviour, But Mary will hold him and sing him to sleep Refrain Find him at Bethlehem laid in a manger: Christ our Redeemer asleep in the hay Godhead incarnate and hope of salvation: A child with his mother that first Christmas Day Refrain Words and Music by John Rutter