Do you know these details in John Wick? #shorts

Do you know these details in John Wick? #shorts

#shorts #didyouknow #moviefacts #moviedetails #xmen John Wick's gun - reloading moves are just amazing! First, he does a lightning - fast reload. I mean, it's insanely quick. Then he switches to a spare magazine right away, and that one - handed charging handle action? So cool! It's not just for show. In a fight, it can prevent jams or running out of ammo, which could save his life! Check out his loading technique. It's straight out of the professional competitive shooting playbook. With the help of special gear, he can grab three or even five rounds in one hand. Then, using the so - called "diu yudela" technique, he loads two rounds into the chamber at once and fires to take down the enemy in a super smooth motion. Shotgun ammo comes in three main types: birdshot, buckshot, and slug. John uses buckshot, a common 12 - gauge size. It's got around seven 6.38 - sized pellets, perfect for hunting medium - sized game like deer. Here's a super - easy - to - miss detail. John loads the shotgun using a professional two - handed, side - by - side method through the loading port. And he's got a MAX6 attachment in front of the ejection port. When the gun is locked open, he can quickly load a round through the ejection port.