Good Debts vs Bad Debts | अच्छा कर्ज और बुरा कर्ज क्या होता है! #gooddebt #baddebt

Good Debts vs Bad Debts | अच्छा कर्ज और बुरा कर्ज क्या होता है! #gooddebt #baddebt

Good Debt vs. Bad Debt: An Overview There is certainly an argument to be made that no debt is good debt. But borrowing money and taking on debt is the only way many people can afford to purchase important big-ticket items like a home. While those kinds of loans are usually justifiable and provide value to the person taking on the debt, there is another end of the spectrum that involves debt that's taken on carelessly. While it's easy to differentiate between these two extremes, some other debts are harder to judge. Good debt has the potential to increase your net worth or enhance your life in an important way.Bad debt involves borrowing money to purchase rapidly depreciating assets or only for the purpose of consumption.Determining whether a debt is good or bad sometimes depends on an individual's financial situation, including how much they can afford to lose. What Is Good Debt? Good debt is often exemplified in the old adage "it takes money to make money." If the debt you take on helps you generate income and build your net worth, then that can be considered positive. So can debt that improves your and your family's life in other significant ways. Among the things that are often worth going into debt for: What Is Bad Debt? It's generally considered to be bad debt if you are borrowing to purchase a depreciating asset. In other words, if it won't go up in value or generate income, then you shouldn't go into debt to buy it. #gooddebtvsbaddebt #Goodloansvsbadloans #Gooddebtvsbaddebtinhindi #homeloan #whatisbaddebt #whatisgooddebt #gooddebtbad #gooddebtvsbaddebtrobertkiyosaki #robertkiyosaki good debt and bad #अच्छाकर्जबुराकर्ज Personal finance, #Goodloan #Badloan Good borrowings, Bad borrowings, Benefits of good debt, loss of bad debts, profit from good debts, loss from bad debts, अच्छे कर्ज,बुरे कर्ज, अछे कर्ज के फायदे, बुरे कर्ज के नुकसान, Good debt vs bad debt hindi, Good debt vs bad debts Robert kiyosaki hindi, sharemarkeinthindi, How To Tell Which Debt Is Good Vs Bad, karj ko samjhe debtgood debt dave ramsey bad debt expense good debt versus bad debt Good debtswhat is bad debtwhat is good debtbad debt vs good debt #richdadpoordad rich dad poor dad audiobook rich dad poor dad summary