Relative Strength Trading Strategy by Himanshu Arora | Find Momentum Stocks | Swing Trading
📈 Check out the upcoming swing trading mentorship program: https://www.upsurge.club/live-mentors... 📈 Check out other courses by Himanshu Arora: https://www.upsurge.club/instructor/h... Check out the entire relative strength playlist 👇🏼 • Swing Trading Strategies This video will teach you a strategy to help you identify outperforming sectors relative to the index and winning stocks within a sector. Himanshu Arora starts by explaining the concept of relativity using simple examples. It highlights the importance of relative strength and how one can use it to find outperforming sectors and stocks. He introduces a special indicator that helps one compare the performance of a stock to an index or another stock. He explains how to add that indicator on TradingView, its required settings, and how to use it to find outperforming sectors and stocks. He also explains how a simple trading strategy can be built using that indicator and the concept of relative strength. Full of examples from the market, this video will provide you with enough examples to help you understand the concept of relative strength and how to use it to find high momentum, outperforming sectors and stocks in the stock market. Himanshu Arora's SEBI RA Registration No. - INH000016490 Join Telegram Community: https://t.me/upsurgecommunity IF YOU LIKE THIS VIDEO, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL! #Upsurge #swingtrading #Technicalanalysis #Stockmarket #Trading #swingtradingstrategy #swingtrading #profitabletrading #tradingwithupsurgeclub #himanshuarora #supertrendanalysis #relativestrength #relativestrengthindex #momentumstocks #momentumtrading