온 땅의주인 Cover | WHO AM I |  Promise worship 기도찬양, 임재찬양, 묵상찬양,화음찬양, 은혜찬양, 감동찬양,버스킹카제작,찬양버스킹,야외버스킹_4K

온 땅의주인 Cover | WHO AM I | Promise worship 기도찬양, 임재찬양, 묵상찬양,화음찬양, 은혜찬양, 감동찬양,버스킹카제작,찬양버스킹,야외버스킹_4K

#온땅의주인 #버스킹찬양 #whoami 2023.09.30 보령호수 [Boryeong Lake] Credits | Worship Leader - Lim Janghyeok | .Main Keys -Jung Gyeong-mi .Aux Keys - Jung Bo-ram .Bass -Kim Hak-su .Drum - Lee se-u | Vocal | Sop 1. Kim Bu-ja 2 . Jung Gyeong-hwa 3. Gwon Ji-yeong Alto. 1. Jung Gyeong-mi | Busking car production | Sin Gyeong-bu | Camera Crew | Drone Filming 1.Lim Seon-taek Camera 1. Lim Ok-seon Camera 2. Lim Eun-ha Camera 3. Kim Ji-a Camera 4. Kim Ye-rin ■ Promise worship team Vision 청교도 정신을 바탕으로 이 땅에서 하나님의 언약이 성취되는 하나님의 나라를 세웁니다. Based on the spirit of Puritanism, we establish the kingdom of God on earth where God's covenant is fulfilled. [Presbyterian Church of Korea Of Covenant Church] [대한예수교장로회 합동보수 언약교회]