Welcome to our Fresh Fire’s Just Worship Sunday Service – November 27, 2022–10:00 am EST

Welcome to our Fresh Fire’s Just Worship Sunday Service – November 27, 2022–10:00 am EST

“WE DON’T HAVE OR OWN ANY RIGHTS TO THE MUSIC IN THE BROADCAST” CCLI #11157272, CCLI – Streaming Plus #21104649 Welcome to our Fresh Fire’s Just Worship Sunday Service – November 27, 2022–10:00 am EST – Get ready for a powerful time of worship, praise, prayer, prophecy, the Word of God and tangible demonstrations of healings, deliverance, miracles, signs and wonders that accompany! Tithes/Love Offerings/Donations: Paypal.me/freshfireministries Or E-Transfer at: [email protected]