찬송가 577장 "낳으시고 길러주신" Great the love of human parets - 이관섭, 2005
1 낳으시고 길러주신 어버이의 큰 사랑 바다보다 넓으시고 산보다도 높은 사랑 하나님을 경외하신 어버이의 크신 사랑 내게 주신 크신 은혜 하나님을 찬양하세 주님 은혜 감사하며 영광 찬양 할렐루야 2 힘들거나 괴로울 때 기도하신 어버이 즐거운 일 함께 웃고 기뻐하신 그 얼굴이 긴긴 시간 흘렀으나 마음속에 남았구나 내게 주신 크신 은혜 하나님을 찬양하세 주님은혜 감사하며 영광 찬양 할렐루야 3 재미있게 가르치신 귀한 성경 말씀이 기쁜 노래 찬양하며 예배드린 그 시절이 지금 와서 생각하니 어찌 평생 잊으리까 내게 주신 크신 은혜 하나님을 찬양하세 주님은혜 감사하며 영광 찬양 할렐루야 1 Great the love of hu-man par-ents for the chil-dren they re-ceived Love that's wid-er than the o-cean, high-er than the mount-ains so tall Best the love of Chris-tian par-ents, those who hon-or God in their lives Praise the Lord for gra-cious bless-ings He has giv-en free-ly to me! For the Lord's great grace I thank Him Hal-le-lu-jah, glo-ry to God! 2 When our life is hard or pain-ful, pray-ing par-ents what a gift! And when life is bright and joy-ful, their glad fac-es love-ly and sweet! E-ven though long years have passed now, in my heart those mem-'ries re-main Praise the Lord for gra-cious bless-ings He has giv-en free-ly to me! For the Lord's great grace I thank Him Hal-le-lu-jah, glo-ry to God! 3 From my par-ents' lips I learned it pre-cious Bi-ble, God's own word Man-y times we sang His prais-es, and in God's house wor-shiped the Lord Sure-ly, sure-ly, such great bless-ings I will nev-er, nev-er for-get! Praise the Lord for gra-cious bless-ings He has giv-en free-ly to me! For the Lord's great grace I thank Him Hal-le-lu-jah, glo-ry to God! "Praise The Lord & Soli Deo Gloria" A-men