Carasil Injection - Less Milk ,Anorexia, Paralysis, Weakness, Repeat Breeding In Cattle buffalo
#CarasilInjection #lessappitite #decrease in milk #Ratmutra #redwater Carasil Injection - Less Milk ,Anorexia, Paralysis, Weakness, Repeat Breeding And Blood Parasites in Cattle buffalo Recovery of appetite in buffalo and cow sheep and goat Promotes appetite Recovery of fatigue in cattle buffalo sheep and goat horses Recovery from heat stroke #buyahposphan #cynocobalmin #taurine #nicotinamide #bhook ki Kami Doodh ki Kami #repeatbreeding #liverdamage #theileriosis #rickets #entriyis #bronchopneomonia parturition syndrome liver function disorders better insemination results in cow buffalo chronic Diarrhea chronic disease tetanus tetanus tetany Acute metabolic disorders canabolism in poultry Carasil Injection Ka istamal #InjectinB12 #Cyancobalmin #InjectionMethycobal #paralysistreatment Vitamin B12 - Methycobal Uses In Paralysis Anorexia And weakness In Cow Buffalo Sheep Goats ,dogs and cats Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, plays several critical roles in cattle, buffalo, sheep,goats,dogs and cats. B12 is essential for the production and maturation of red blood cells. A deficiency can lead to anemia, which can cause fatigue and poor growth rates in cattle. Vitamin B12 is necessary for DNA synthesis and cell division. It supports the overall growth and development of cattle, particularly young animals. B12 is involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. It helps convert these nutrients into energy, which is crucial for maintaining the health and productivity of cattle. B12 is important for the proper functioning of the nervous system. It helps maintain the myelin sheath, which insulates nerve fibers and ensures efficient nerve signal transmission. Cattle rely on rumen microbes to synthesize B12 from cobalt. Adequate cobalt intake is crucial for B12 production, affecting overall metabolic and health status. Adequate B12 levels can help improve appetite and feed efficiency, leading to better weight gain and overall performance in cattle. Vitamin B12 deficiencies in cattle buffalo ,goats ,sheep ,dogs cats can result in poor growth, reduced appetite, weakness, and in severe cases, nervous system disorders. Supplementation with cobalt or direct B12 ie injection Synosel may be necessary, especially in regions where soil cobalt levels are low, leading to inadequate dietary intake. Injection vit b12 kaisay istamal karwain injection b12 Ka bhains mein istamal Ka tariqa Paralysis treatment in cow and buffalo Dose rate of injection Methycobal in animals Methycobal use in goats and dogs #livestockhealth #anorexianervosarecovery #Anorexiainbuffalo #janwaronMeinKhoonKiKami #RedBloodCells ##Injectioncynocob #injectioncynosel #weaknessinanimals #lamenessinbuffalo #LamenessInGoats #NilzanPlus #cobaltsulphateuseincattle #KetosidInbuffaloandcow #InjectionvitminBComplexInAnimals Injection Vitamin B12 uses in dairy animals Best treatment for weak animals Injection cynocob Injection CYNOSEL Injection carasil injection cobalmin Benefits of injection vitamin b12 Milk increase formula diarrhea vitamins and minerals use in animals with benefits fever in buffalo treatment vitamin b12 defficiency tribivet injection top 10 veterinary injections b complex injection use in cattle ,buffalo and dogs injection cyanofer b12 injection veterinary use belamyl injection b12 life saving vitamin big vitamin use of vitamin b12 in goat farming weight gain injection weight gain formula for sheep and goats katray farba aur motay kaisay karain #dairyanimals #vetinjection #vetmedicine #BhookBadanewaleeInjection #LiverKoMajbootKarneWaleeInjection #livertonic injection butaphosphan injection Carasil uses on urdu