Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 20 Maladh Wadi - Campaign Mission 5 2022

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 20 Maladh Wadi - Campaign Mission 5 2022

Sniper Ghost Warrior contracts 2 is the sequal of SGW contracts 1 and is set in modern day middle east in the fictional state Kuamar, where the new protagonist Sniper assasin Raven is tasked with taking down a crime syndicate. the game is focused on extreme long range sniping with several contracts marked as "long shot contracts" where Raven is forced to assasinate his targets from more than 1000 meters. Packed with a pistol, some grenades, an assault rifle or shotgun for close range combat and of course a sniper rifle for the real deal, Raven can complete every contract he is tasked with What becomes clear from the first mission is that the maps are quite large. Often your assignments and targets are quite far apart: you have to cover quite a few meters. During your journey you will also encounter small groups of enemies that you can take out in various ways. This can be done by taking them out one by one unseen, for example by stabbing a knife in their neck, but if you want to go in guns blazing feel free to do so because for the first time in the series, going loud is a good option. Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 is a shooter, but specifically aimed at the snipers. Most systems in the game have been developed in this area with the idea of ​​being as realistic as possible. This includes taking into account distance, wind direction and the type of bullets you use to make your perfect shot effective. If you miss, this can have major consequences and that also makes it fun to get started with this game. If you're more into fast shooters like Call of Duty or Battlefield, then this title may not be for you. But do you like the sniper missions in the single player of many CoD games? Then this game is worth a try. With binoculars in your pocket, you mark the targets so that you know where they are and at what distance. Then you will strategically take out as many enemies as you can, killing soldiers who drive mortars and other snipers so they can't shoot you. If you do this tactically enough, no alarm will be raised and it will be a lot easier to achieve your final goal. There are 21 mission objectives spread over different areas around Syria and Lebanon. Although they look a lot alike, they are still well put together and look quite good. Unfortunately, these desert-like areas are not very diverse and it is often of the same, namely sand, withered shrubs and dilapidated buildings and rocks. The story you follow in the game is unfortunately not very spectacular: it is quite linear and not very compelling. Now this is not necessarily a bad thing, because you mainly play the game for the action with your sniper rifle. Still, a strong story could have given more content to the game. Artificial intelligence isn't always fantastic either. Unfortunately, the developers didn't make any real improvements after the first part; it was pretty mediocre there. When you're almost recognized when you're walking ten meters away from an enemy, you can quickly lie down in a bush and they will walk right past you. Once you are seen or they see a corpse, they will search with all their might and they will soon find you. If that happens, it is not very exciting to take out all enemies, because often there is relatively little (hit) shooting and they are not very tactical. For example, they will come around the corner one by one if you sit there waiting. but of course for real stealth players this ruins your perfect stealth. Graphically, Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 looks quite nice. This way the different weapons and the environment look great. The well-known slow-motion shots that are known in the franchise also look spectacular. A well-aimed shot from a large-caliber rifle also wreaks havoc. With a headshot you regularly see that almost the entire head of the spine is popped. At a smaller caliber this is a bit more subtle, but you still see a good impact and a lot of blood as the bullet flies through the enemy's body. Fortunately, this is not seen with every successful shot, because then it might become very tedious and boring. Device used: Lenovo Legion Y520 gold edition Specs: ●CPU : Intel Сore i7-7700hq @ 2.8GHz ●GPU : Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 (4GB) ●RAM :16GB DDR4 SODIMM 2400 MHz ●HDD : 1 TB 5400 rpm ●SSD : Samsung 970 Evo Plus 500Gb Benchmark: MSI afterburner Recorder: NVIDIA shadow play Rendering/Editing Software: Vegas Pro 17 #SniperGhostWarriorContracts2 #sgwc2 #gameplay #gtx1050 #SniperGhostWarriorContracts22022 #sgwc22022 #maxsettings #SniperGhostWarriorContracts campaign2 #fullhd #1080p