100%ഗോതമ്പ് കൊണ്ട് ബ്രഡ് വീട്ടിൽ ഉണ്ടാക്കാം|മായമില്ല മന്ത്രമില്ല | ഈറെസിപ്പി മാത്രം| homemade bread
My Dear ones... Welcome to SAMANWAYAM Hello Dear Viewers, Welcome to the new episode of SAMANWAYAM Whole wheat Bread can be made at home with 100% wheat flour. No magic need.. just need this is enough... Don't forget to like and comment to share. This recipe had the most comments in the video "what i eat a day". I have been using these 2 types alternately for many years. Before buying OTG/oven, I used to bake it in cooker with salt. Same recipe... Make sure to make it... I went to make the mudpot in their villages 2 days before and built the mudpot and then my throat inflected and sound went away. That's why today's narration is my younger sister.. My daughter made fun of me after trying to do it with Tarakutty. With lots of love Your own Annamma #wheatbread #dietbread #wholewheatbreadrecipe #easywheatbreadrecipemalayalam #homemadewheatbreadrecip#breadrecipe #samanwayam #egglessbreadrecipes #breadrecipewithoutoven #gothambbreadrecipe #howtomakewheatbreadathome #easybreadrecipe #homemadewheatbreadrecipemalayalm #bread #breadmaking Ingredients of Homemade wheat bread /Bread /Bread Recipe Malayalam| Eggless Bread/ Diet Bread .................... First recipe ................. 1. Luke warm milk 1 cup Suger 2 tbsp Yeast 1/2 tbsp Cover and keep aside 10 min 2. Whole wheat flour 3 cup Salt 1 tsp Oil 2 tbsp Water 1/2 cup Mix and knead 10 min Wrap in a bowl with oil apply Then keep aside 2 hours Then take out and knead again Shape such a cylindrical Apply butter in tray Place the dough Cover again 30 minutes Preheat 180 degrees 10 min Bake 30 min Apply butter on top Second recipe ................. 1. Luke warm water 1 cup/236 ml Honey 3 tbsp or 25 gm sugar Salt 1 tsp Yeast 1 3/4 tsp or 5 gm Cover and keep aside 10 min 2. Whole wheat flour 3 cup or 360 gm Butter 3 tbsp or 49 gm Mix and knead 10 min Wrap in a bowl with oil apply Then keep aside 1.5 to 2 hours Then take out and knead again Shape such a cylindrical Apply butter in tray Place the dough Cover again 30 min Preheat 350 degrees 10 min Bake 35 min Apply butter on top Queries Solved: Whole wheat Bread French toast recipe malayalam bread bread recipe Whole wheat bread recipe Malayalam Wheat bread recipe malayalam bread without oven Wheat bread recipe without oven Easy bread recipe bread recipe without egg bread wheat recipe bread making at home how to make wheat bread how to make wheat bread at home how to make bread Gothambu bread Gothambu bread at home Gothambu bread recipe Wheat bread eggless Wheat bread in microwave Wheat bread healthy homemade bread homemade bread recipe homemade wheat bread recipe malayalam homemade wheat bread homemade bread without oven homemade bread without egg homemade wheat bread malayalam how to make homemade bread without oven how to make homemade bread cake how to make healthy homemade bread homemade healthy whole wheat bread easy homemade bread malayalam easy homemade bread recipes easy homemade bread easy homemade bread recipes for weight loss easy homemade bread recipes indian snacks recipe in malayalam easy homemade bread snacks recipes homemade French toast French toast snacks homemade French toast malayalam French toast French toastrecipe French toast at home eggless bread eggless bread recipe bread without oven diet bread diet bread recipe diet bread breakfast weight loss bread recipe easy bread recipe easy bread recipe breakfast easy bread recipe for beginners perfect French toast recipe നിങ്ങൾ ആദ്യമായിട്ട് ആണ് ഈ ചാനൽ കാണുന്നതെങ്കിൽ മടിക്കാതെ സബ്സ്ക്രൈബ് ചെയ്യാനും, ബെൽ ബട്ടൺ ഇനേബിൾ ചെയ്യാനും മറക്കരുത്.. സസ്നേഹം, അന്നമ്മ QUERIES SOLVED: food challenge food street food food shorts classic mini food food vlogs chinese food village food channel 5 minute crafts food best ever food review show asmr food eating food food eating food asmr street food india china food food recipes indian street food spicy food your food lab guess the food spicy food challenge mini food food eating challenge street food kerala kerala food kerala street food kerala food channel kerala food recipes kerala food blog food kerala kerala food shorts kerala food vloggers easter special food kerala style indian food vlogs food vlogs india food vlogs malayalam street food vlogs village cooking channel cooking cooking videos miniature cooking village cooking mini cooking cooking recipes cooking challenge cooking channel Connect me on social media ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. Facebook : / samanwayamanna 2. Instagram : / usha.mathew.56 3. YouTube: / samanwayamofficial 4. Vlog Channel : / therealannaoffcial 5. Josh : https://share.myjosh.in/profile/8b10a... 6. Tiktok : / samanwayam_usha 7.For Enquiries & collaboration: [email protected]