Dengue Fever in Children: Recognizing the Danger Signs | Paediatrics & Critical Care Specialist

Dengue Fever in Children: Recognizing the Danger Signs | Paediatrics & Critical Care Specialist

In this informative video, we shed light on the dangerous implications of dengue fever in children and discuss the crucial warning signs that parents should be aware of. Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection that can pose serious health risks, especially in young children. By understanding the danger signs, parents can take timely action and seek appropriate medical attention for their little ones. Join us as we explore the common symptoms of dengue fever in children, such as high fever, severe headache, joint and muscle pain, and rash, and delve into the potentially life-threatening complications that may arise. Learn how to spot the signs of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome, including bleeding, abdominal pain, vomiting, and restlessness. By raising awareness about these danger signs, we aim to empower parents and caregivers to protect their children's health and well-being. Don't miss this essential video that could help save lives and ensure early intervention in cases of dengue fever. By, Dr. Nitin Chawla Chief Of Paediatrics & Critical Care Specialist KIMS Cuddles, Gachibowli For appointments, call +91 88973 14141 or visit For more updates, subscribe to our channel    / kimscuddles   Follow us on Social Media for more interesting information Facebook:   / kimscuddles   Instagram:   / kimscuddles   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #kimscuddles #denguefever #childcare #dengue #dengueprevention #denguevirus #denguemosquito #dengueawareness #denguefeversymptoms #bestdoctorsinhyderabad #childrenshospitals #childspecialist #kimscuddles #gachibowli